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Janusmed kön och genus

Janusmed kön och genus – Ciprofloxacin

Janusmed kön och genus är ett kunskapsstöd som tillhandahåller information om köns- och genusaspekter på läkemedelsbehandling. Kunskapsstödet är avsedd främst för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Texterna är generella och ska inte ses som behandlingsriktlinjer. Det är alltid behandlande läkare som ansvarar för patientens medicinering.

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Ciprofloxacin Testmiljö


Klass : A

  1. Rocha JL, Tuon FF, Johnson JR. Sex, drugs, bugs, and age: rational selection of empirical therapy for outpatient urinary tract infection in an era of extensive antimicrobial resistance. Braz J Infect Dis. 2012;16:115-21.
  2. van Zanten AR, Polderman KH, van Geijlswijk IM, van der Meer GY, Schouten MA, Girbes AR. Ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients: a prospective cohort study. J Crit Care. 2008;23:422-30.
  3. Overholser BR, Kays MB, Forrest A, Sowinski KM. Sex-related differences in the pharmacokinetics of oral ciprofloxacin. J Clin Pharmacol. 2004;44:1012-22.
  4. Konieczna L, Chmielewska A, Lamparczyk H. Influence of sex on the pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin. Chemotherapy. 2006;52:111-21.
  5. Höffler D, Dalhoff A, Gau W, Beermann D, Michl A. Dose- and sex-independent disposition of ciprofloxacin. Eur J Clin Microbiol. 1984;3:363-6.
  6. Gallicano K, Sahai J. Lack of gender effect on ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics in humans. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1996;42:632-4.
  7. Shah A, Lettieri J, Nix D, Wilton J, Heller AH. Pharmacokinetics of high-dose intravenous ciprofloxacin in young and elderly and in male and female subjects. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1995;39:1003-6.
  8. Ciproxin (ciprofloxacin). Summary of Product Characteristics. Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA) [updated 2022-02-01, cited 2022-06-16]
  9. Gunderson BW, Ross GH, Ibrahim KH, Rotschafer JC. What do we really know about antibiotic pharmacodynamics?. Pharmacotherapy. 2001;21:302S-318S.
  10. den Heijer CD, Donker GA, Maes J, Stobberingh EE. Antibiotic susceptibility of unselected uropathogenic Escherichia coli from female Dutch general practice patients: a comparison of two surveys with a 5 year interval. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010;65:2128-33.
  11. den Heijer CD, Penders J, Donker GA, Bruggeman CA, Stobberingh EE. The importance of gender-stratified antibiotic resistance surveillance of unselected uropathogens: a Dutch Nationwide Extramural Surveillance study. PLoS One. 2013;8:e60497.
  12. McGregor JC, Elman MR, Bearden DT, Smith DH. Sex- and age-specific trends in antibiotic resistance patterns of Escherichia coli urinary isolates from outpatients. BMC Fam Pract. 2013;14:25.
  13. Linhares I, Raposo T, Rodrigues A, Almeida A. Frequency and antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacteria implicated in community urinary tract infections: a ten-year surveillance study (2000-2009). BMC Infect Dis. 2013;13:19.
  14. Mostafavi SN, Rostami S, Rezaee Nejad Y, Ataei B, Mobasherizadeh S, Cheraghi A et al. Antimicrobial Resistance in Hospitalized Patients with Community Acquired Urinary Tract Infection in Isfahan, Iran. Arch Iran Med. 2021;24(3):187-192.
  15. Briasoulis A, Agarwal V, Pierce WJ. QT prolongation and torsade de pointes induced by fluoroquinolones: infrequent side effects from commonly used medications. Cardiology. 2011;120(2):103-10.
  16. Roden DM. Drug-induced prolongation of the QT interval. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:1013-22.
  17. Statistikdatabas för läkemedel. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. 2021 [cited 2022-03-15.]