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Janusmed fosterpåverkan

Janusmed fosterpåverkan – budesonid

Janusmed fosterpåverkan tillhandahåller bedömningar av eventuella risker för fostret, när en gravid kvinna använder olika läkemedel. Observera att texterna är generella, och att en bedömning måste göras i varje enskilt fall. Om du inte är medicinskt utbildad, läs först vår information för patienter och allmänhet.

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Budesonid – för inhalation Testmiljö

Budesonid – för inhalation

Klass : 1

  1. Garne E, Hansen AV, Morris J, Zaupper L, Addor MC, Barisic I et al. Use of asthma medication during pregnancy and risk of specific congenital anomalies: A European case-malformed control study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015;136:1496-1502e7.
  2. Garne E, Vinkel Hansen A, Morris J, Jordan S, Klungsøyr K, Engeland A et al. Risk of congenital anomalies after exposure to asthma medication in the first trimester of pregnancy - a cohort linkage study. BJOG. 2016;123(10):1609-18.
  3. Lim A, Stewart K, König K, George J. Systematic review of the safety of regular preventive asthma medications during pregnancy. Ann Pharmacother. 2011;45:931-45.
  4. Rahimi R, Nikfar S, Abdollahi M. Meta-analysis finds use of inhaled corticosteroids during pregnancy safe: a systematic meta-analysis review. Hum Exp Toxicol 2006;25:447-52.
  5. Liu S, Wen SW, Demissie K, Marcoux S, Kramer MS. Maternal asthma and pregnancy outcomes: A retrospective cohort study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;184:90-6.
  6. Kallen B, Rydhstroem H, Aberg A. Asthma during pregnancy - a population based study. Eur J Epidemiol 2000;16:167-71.
  7. Ali Z, Hansen AV, Ulrik CS. Exacerbations of asthma during pregnancy: Impact on pregnancy complications and outcome. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2015:1-7.
  8. Kallen B, Rydhstroem H, Aberg A. Congenital malformations after the use of inhaled budesonide in early pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1999;93:392-5.
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Budesonid – intranasalt Testmiljö

Budesonid – intranasalt

Klass : 1

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      Budesonid – för lokal behandling i tarm och matstrupe Testmiljö

      Budesonid – för lokal behandling i tarm och matstrupe

      Klass : 2

      1. Briggs G, Freeman RK, Towers CV, Forinash AB. Drugs in pregnancy and lactation: A reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk. 11th ed; 2017.
      2. Carmichael SL, Shaw GM. Maternal corticosteroid use and risk of selected congenital anomalies. Am J Med Genet 1999;86:242-4.
      3. Carmichael SL, Shaw GM, Ma C, Werler MM, Rasmussen SA, Lammer EJ et al. Maternal corticosteroid use and orofacial clefts. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2007;197(6):585e1-7; discussion 683-4, e1-7.
      4. Czeizel AE, Rockenbauer M. Population-based case-control study of teratogenic potential of corticosteroids. Teratology 1997;56:335-40.
      5. Heinonen OP, Slone D, Shapiro S. Birth Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy. Publishing Sciences Group, Littleton, Mass. 1977.
      6. Park-Wyllie L, Mazzotta P, Pastuszak A, Moretti ME, Beique L, Hunnisett L et al. Birth defects after maternal exposure to corticosteroids: Prospective cohort study and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies. Teratology 2000;62:385-92.
      7. Pradat P, Robert-Gnansia E, Di Tanna GL, Rosano A, Lisi A, Mastroiacovo P. First trimester exposure to corticosteroids and oral clefts. Birth Defects Res Part A Clin Mol Teratol. 2003;67:968-70.
      8. Gur C, Diavitrin O, Schechtman S, Arnon J, Onroy A. Pregnancy outcome after first trimester exposure to corticosteroids: a prospective controlled study. Reprod Toxicol 2004;18:93-101.
      9. Källén B. Maternal drug use and infant cleft lip/palate with special reference to corticoids. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2003;40:624-8.
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      Allergitest Testmiljö


      Klass : 1